TAW — The Artist’s Way

Is it funny that I already lost track of what day I’m on without Instagram?

Couple weeks ago, my friend Hollis Wong-Wear who is an amazing creative, invited me to this group she put together. The group / community would be focusing on The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. This book is FAMOUS. And intense. 12-week journey of morning pages, artist dates, and tasks…lots of tasks — all to inspire you to dig deep and confront the artist within all of us and uncover the “shadow” parts that are blocking that artist.

Here’s some context:

I have always loved reading and writing.

As a child, instead of toys as gifts I would get books (I wasn’t complaining!) and would read every chance I would get. When my mom was working late at her long-term care facility, I would try to catch every streetlight to read a sentence in a book on the car ride home. At the time portable book lights weren’t accessible and my mom would scold me for leaving the back light on while driving, threatening that the police would pull us over.

I would write countless short stories whenever I was stuck doing errands with my mom. I would put together “newsletters” for my mom’s employees and residents — gathering all the news and making photo copies to give out. I always had a notebook and pencil on me. Very much Harriet the Spy / Nancy Drew moments. The addiction was real.

It still is real for me haha.

Still an avid reader — last year I completed my self-challenge of reading 50 books (this year it’s 70!) and even read Fiction books gasp (it’s been awhile, like everyone, I’ve been on a self-development kick). I even bought a Kindle for myself as a reward and joined Goodreads (follow me if you’d like).

Writing though — has been interesting for me. Back in high school I wrote a short story called, “Life Is No Remedy” forgive me it was during my teenaged angst stage I honestly don’t even think I was using the word remedy in the right context haha. I remember printing it out and it being passed around my classmates. Sigh, I think about that story often and how I wished I kept it or at least the document file. Could’ve developed that more and made it into a YA novel or some shit. Anyways, woulda coulda shoulda.

I blogged for years —on AsianAvenue, Xanga, then more formally on Contrast Magazine. I would do a weekly round up of my favorite music and artists. For Honolulu Star-Advertiser, I would write for their TGIF printing and had the chance to interview Danny Brown (he doesn’t talk how he raps of course). I wrote about Odd Future’s first time coming here, even though I never had the chance to interview them — still cool opportunity though. Writing now is for my Tarot card readings, Instagram captions, or just content writing. It’s for an audience.

The one thing I’ve been consistently doing has been journaling. I try to write at least twice a week — of course this is personal journal like “Dear Diary” nothing that I would share with anyone else or read back over haha. With this TAW course/community, I’m now writing at least more than one page every day. I’m counting this blog post as my morning pages entry since I worked the hospital this morning haha.

I definitely feel the writing flow come back to me — shout out to TAW for being my inspiration for my last blog post. Hope you all are staying safe. Email me or comment below for interaction haha.


If you’re interested in buying the TAW book and joining the community for accountability (it’s free) click the button above! No pressure. Also if you’re interested in reading more, please consider joining my Goodreads group :)




Honolulu creative.


Replenishing in February


Instagram 2021 — but with intention