currently: experimenting

Summer was sociable, activating and fast.

We were going on this roller coaster ride, whether we intended to get on it or not.

I feel like there's still pressure from last season to figure things out and to make sense of things. Like, making that big announcement about your life's purpose or goals so you can move forward. But it's hard because you can't announce to everyone, even yourself, which way you're going because you don't know yet. You don’t know what the direction is. You don't have all the details or the whole picture to make that assessment…and that’s okay.

Let’s just try this out. Let’s just experiment.

Those are my anchors this fall. As usual, I consult the Tarot & Oracle decks of my choosing while also taking into account what my community has been going through this past few months. This season’s messages are about trust, experimenting and being a participant in your life through rituals. How can you accept new possibilities without being too attached to the outcome? How can you stay adaptable and open-minded? How can you take part in these experiences without getting too caught up in them? I also share the frustrations and also how tiring it can be.

I did something a little different this episode and invited my friends to share their intentions for this season.

Additional Info:

I’ve been enjoying this little creative pocket I’ve been in — I’ve been choreographing, DJing again and even put out a mix of my favorite tracks right now called renewal. AND I made a playlist to transition and shift into the fall season with! I’ve been welcoming in this new energy and it’s been so refreshing. WHO IS SHE?

Tag me if you’re listening.

Thank you for being in ebb and flow with me.



Honolulu creative.

currently: learning


currently: processing