clarity and strength

I was going to wait till I came back from my vacation to share the collective message with you all but…Capricorn stellium vibes haha (stellium is when you have more than one planet placement in a sign). December was all about integrating and combining all the lessons we learned from 2021 and now January 2022 is all about approaching this new year with clarity and constant reminders of the strength and power you have within you — because it’s there — even when you are resting. It doesn’t just go away. It’s action and strategizing time.

During this reading there was a lot of repeating and reassuring messages, as if our guides knew we were going to get all up in our head about our next move. We are being reminded that we are capable and to really focus on our paper just like school. If you don’t have all the information just yet — take your time, do not create out of reaction, create through flow.

This is a nice segue for me to invite you all to my Reset container starting on January 11. I will be guiding and also resetting with you and other individuals for 6 weeks. There will be a Discord server, weekly Zoom meetups and also a breathwork and energy healing container. I love doing this course and once you purchase it once, you have it for life. So excited to be diving into the new year with you all.

Here are what people have gained from the course:

For 3 months
One time

What are you ready to release and reset? This video course is a look into Riana’s personal reset process.


Honolulu creative.

Retreat and Nourishment


Discernment and integration